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2nd Kyu Brown belt

2nd KYU BROWN BELT - 2 White Tabs


Experience needed - minimum 6 months from last grading and minimum 40 lessons.

Pass Mark - 55.


RENRAKU WAZA (Combination techniques)

1. Yoi - Zenkutsu dachi kamae - Jodan sekkyaku zuki - Stepping forward - Chudan gyaku zuki - Guard - Rear leg side step to left and leading leg ashi barai - Leading hand jodan uraken zuki - Chudan gyaku zuki - Guard - Return to kamae.

Step forward into forward stance guard - Half step and punch to head, complete step and reverse punch to body using opposite hand - Guard - Rear leg step to left and leading leg sweep - Leading hand back fist strike to head - reverse punch to body - Guard - Return to kamae. 


2. Yoi - Zenkutsu dachi kamae - Front leg Ashi barai - Rear leg chudan mawashi geri - Chudan mae geri - Surikomi - Chudan ushiro mawashi geri - Land in zenkutsu dachi - Guard.

Step forward into forward stance guard - Front leg sweep - rear leg roundhouse to body - Front kick to body - Step through hook kick to body - Land in forward stance - Guard 



3. Jiin. Front View.

    Jiin. Rear View.


4. Niseishi. Front View.

    Niseishi. Rear View.


5. Bassai Sho. Front View.

    Bassai Sho. Rear View.


MAKIWARA WAZA - Pad work (Left & Right side) 

6. (Tsuki & Uchi) Gyaku zuki - Teisho uchi - Sekkyaku zuki - Guard. To be performed in combination using same arm.

7. (Keri) - Mae geri keage - Ushiro geri - Land Soto hachiji dachi kamae (sideways on) - Surikomi - Yoko geri kekomi.  To be perfomed in combination using alternate legs.


8. Ippon Kumite. Chudan yoko geri. Demonstrate two different defences against opponent attacking with side thrust kick to the body. Student's choice of defence. Defender to start in Soto hachiji dachi kamae. Attacker to start in Zenkutsu dachi kamae.


9. Hokei Kumite. Examinar to choose any two hokei Kumites. To be performed in combination in both Left & Right side. 


10. Jiyu Kumite - Free style sparring